The Method

The Method

Lifelong Reflex Integration

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The MNRI Lifelong Reflex Program techniques focus on activating and engaging reflexes that are important to everyday function. Unlike primary motor reflex patterns, lifelong reflexes remain visible and present, allowing our body to maneuver and function with little thought to things like balance, grounding, or centering. When lifelong motor reflexes do not emerge or mature as they should, postural changes can result and lead to muscular and structural disorders and misalignment, interruptions in the development of brain function, emotional and behavioral regulation issues, and unproductive learning styles. Depending upon the number of lifelong reflexes impacted and their maturation level, a broad spectrum of challenges can appear. Lifelong Reflex program techniques promote the activation and maturation of lifelong reflexes. When lifelong reflexes are appropriately engaged, dysfunctional and pathological primary motor reflex patterns are better able to activate, mature, and integrate. In this way, the Lifelong Reflex Program, like all MNRI programs, facilitates the integration process of primary motor reflex patterns. Below is a summary of the reflexes addressed by the MNRI Lifelong Reflex Integration Program techniques.

Primary Motor Reflex Patterns
Abdominal Reflex Convergence -- Divergence Grounding Reflex Sequential Rotation Reflex
Amphibian Reflex Core Tendon Guard Head Righting Postural Reflex Stability Reflex
Balancing Reflex Foot Tendon Guard Locomotion Stretching Reflex
Centering Reflex Gravity Reflex Mature Gait Reflex  

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