Learning The Method

Learning The Method

MNRI® Reflex Neuromodulation Protocol for Concussion Recovery

MNRI® Reflex Neuromodulation Protocol for Concussion Recovery

Course Description:

Theory of Concussion 

  • Reflex definition, functions of a reflex and its role in concussion. Advanced information and continuation, based on Introductory class.
  • The negative effects of concussion on reflex functions, the extrapyramidal and the pyramidal system.
  • Advanced theory of concussion (30 min) 
  • Shaken Baby Syndrome - an infant concussion and reflexes (1,5 hours) 

 2. MNRI® Reflex Integration: Concept and Stages of post-concussion recovery (4 hours) 

 3. MNRI® research: Reflex Profile in post-concussion before and after the MNRI® Program

  • Brain mapping and Neurotransmitters analysis results in individuals with concussion before and after the MNRI® Reflex Integration Program. Advanced information based on group study. (1 hour)

 4. The role of reflexes in concussion and post-concussion (30 min) 

 5. MNRI® Reflex Integration Advanced Protocol for post-concussion (8 hrs) 

Learner Objectives 

The student will be able to: 

  • obtain and show advanced knowledge about the role and importance of reflexes during trauma injury and post-concussion;
  • explain conditions and reflex protective mechanisms that should be recognized in the presence of persistent symptoms;
  • describe typical regress/progress of reflex and brain functioning in post-concussion; 
  • describe stages of acute and post-concussion trauma effects;
  • categorize different challenges related to traumatic brain injury and utilizing essential reflexes for improvement and recovery from the concussion symptoms;
  • show the knowledge of exercises and techniques of “10 stones” and Reflex Protocol;
  • demonstrate skills and MNRI® techniques for post-concussion recovery utilization in practical work;
  • individualize the MNRI® Post-Concussion protocol to the needs, challenges and age of the client. 

Hourly Agenda 

Hour 1 
Advanced theory of concussion and its effect on reflex, extrapyramidal system and high brain functioning (40 min).
Shaken Baby Syndrome - an infant concussion and reflexes (20 min)

Hour 2
Shaken Baby Syndrome – an infant concussion and reflexes (1 hour)

Hour 3
Reflex profile in post-concussion before and after the MNRI® Program (15 min.).
Brain mapping research results (45 min.)
Neurotransmitters Research (30 min.).

Hour 4
The role of reflexes in concussion and post-concussion (30 min)


Hour 5
MNRI® Reflex Integration: Concept and Stages of post-concussion recovery (1 hour)

Hour 6
MNRI® Reflex Integration: Concept and Stages of post-concussion recovery (1 hour)

Hour 7
MNRI® Reflex Integration: Concept and Stages of post-concussion recovery (1 hour; continuation)

Hour 8
MNRI® Reflex Integration: Concept and Stages of post-concussion recovery (1 hour; continuation)


Hour 9  
Practicum. Protocol on MNRI® Reflex Neuromodulation and Integration.
“The Stones Gathering into a Back Pack” – Symptoms increase, stress and emotional response, cognitive disorganization, and other.
How to release the “Symptom’s Back Pack” – utilizing the post-concussion recovery program (1 hour). 

Hour 10
Practicum. Protocol on MNRI® Reflex Neuromodulation and Integration for post-concussion recovery
(Stones #1, 2, 3, 4. Sensory perception and Reflexes: Tactility, Vestibular, Visual, Auditory. 
Effects and recovery (1 hour):
- Tactility: Embrace squeeze, Pyramidal Finger Activation.
- Vestibular: Head Righting activation.
- Visual: Visual Convergence/Divergence, Eye horizontal tracking.
- Auditory: Stapedial reflex and “focus-ground” response: Circles for the ears.

Hour 11
Protocol on MNRI® Reflex Neuromodulation and Integration for post-concussion recovery (Stone #5. Breathing and Core Tendon Guard Reflex.
Effects and recovery (1 hour): 
- Breathing for release of chest compression.
- Core Tendon Guard Reflex regulation.
- Jaw release – Babkin Palmomental.

Hour 12
Protocol on MNRI® Reflex Neuromodulation and Integration for post-concussion recovery (Stone #6. Motor coordination and Reflexes.
Effects and recovery (1 hour):
- Motor programming and control.
- Core Tendon Guard Reflex – standing and transitional from laying down to standing up.


Hour 13
Protocol on MNRI® Reflex Neuromodulation and Integration (Stone #7. Attention span and processes.
Effects and recovery (1 hour):
- Visual-Auditory focusing: Visual Convergence/Divergence.
- Auditory - ATNR for processing the audial input.

Hour 14
Protocol on MNRI® Reflex Neuromodulation and Integration for post-concussion recovery (Stone #8. Memory and its processes.
Effects and recovery (1 hour):
- Visual-Auditory memorizing: Visual - Close/Distant input processing, “Touch-see-hear” for memorizing.
- Auditory - ATNR for auditory memory.
- Spatial-time memory and orientation – Sequential Turning-Rolling.

Hour 15
Protocol on MNRI® Reflex Neuromodulation and Integration for post-concussion recovery (Stone #9. Thinking and processes.
Effects and recovery (1 hour):
- Leg Cross Flexion/Extension
- Pavlov Orientation – the VAK system activation
- Galant

Hour 16
Protocol on MNRI® Reflex Neuromodulation and Integration for post-concussion recovery (Stone #10. Emotions and psychosomatics.
Effects and recovery (1 hour):
- Babkin Palmomental
- Embrace squeeze
- Pyramidal Finger Activation
- Bonding
- Self-rewarding
- Goal Setting for creating future life perspectives.

Discussions and Summary: 0,5 hour


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