Courses, Conferences & Tools
Breathing Reflex Techniques to Support Stress Resilience and Neurodevelopment
Breathing Reflex Techniques to Support Stress Resilience and Neurodevelopment
MNRI® techniques for oral motor reflexes to facilitate
oral motor neurodevelopment.
This lecture focuses
on the interdependence of breathing, swallowing, and digestive functions during
development. Relevant neuroanatomy and neurophysiology are presented with
consideration to factors influencing breathing and swallowing coordination,
such as prematurity, tongue/lip-ties, and neurological challenges. The rationale behind
MNRI® techniques for
oral motor reflexes to facilitate oral motor neurodevelopment are discussed.Presented by: Svetlana Masgutova, PhD and MNRI
Creator, and Yichien Su, MS-CCC, SLP and MNRI Core Specialist
The positive impact of MNRI® breathing reflexes on
neurodevelopment and daily well-being.
This segment of the lecture is
contextualized with a brief overview of the anatomy and physiology of cell and
tissue oxygenation in internal and external respiration, and also illustrates
the anatomy of blood vessels in the brain, including how various oxygen levels
affect the growth and development of nervous tissues, or neurogenesis, in
adults. Presented by: Laurie Longest, MS, PT, MNRI® Core Specialist, MNRI® Instructor
Video Runtime: 2 hours, 28 minutes, 31 seconds.