Courses, Conferences & Tools
Applications In NeuroDevelopment: Tactility For Neurogenesis And Neuroplasticity. Pathologies Of Tactile System.
Applications In NeuroDevelopment: Tactility For Neurogenesis And Neuroplasticity. Pathologies Of Tactile System.
Touch is one of the most complex, multi-level, and multi-functional senses in our body. Through touch, millions of bits of input pass to the nervous system and brain through the skin, which is equipped with millions of tactile receptors. Touch is essential for neurodevelopment and neuroplasticity.
This lecture explores the link between tactile system and neurogenesis, and the effect of MNRI® NeuroTactile Integration Exercises on neurogenesis and neurodevelopment, specifically: Reflex Receptor Fields for Neuroplasticity; Tactility and Neurogenesis & MNRI® NeuroTactile Integration Exercises; and Neurogenesis for Pathologies of Tactile Perception System. Featured lecturers are: Laurie Longest, MS, PT, MNRI® Core Specialist, MNRI® Instructor; Nancy Morris, PT, MNRI® Core Specialist, MNRI® Instructor; and Dr. Svetlana Masgutova, PhD and MNRI® Creator.
Video Runtime: 2 hours, 47 minutes, 20 seconds.