Courses, Conferences & Tools
Applications in Neurodevelopment: Addressing Stimming, Toe Walking, and Repetitive Behaviors in Individuals with Autism through MNRI® Reflex Integration.
Applications in Neurodevelopment: Addressing Stimming, Toe Walking, and Repetitive Behaviors in Individuals with Autism through MNRI® Reflex Integration.
From the first conceptualizations of autism as a disorder, restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, or activities (RRBIs) have been included as a core feature, along with hallmark social and communication problems. RRBI symptom manifestation varies significantly within and between individuals with autism but can generally be divided into two broad subcategories: repetitive sensory and motor behaviors and insistence on sameness.
This lecture focuses on the first of these subcategories — repetitive sensory and motor behaviors — with an emphasis on motor stereotypies, such as hand flapping, body rocking, and toe walking.
The lecture begins with a research-based overview of proposed definitions, distinguishing characteristics, hypothesized causes, developmental trajectory, and interventions.
A sample of MNRI® exercises are demonstrated to show their effect on reducing some specific repetitive sensory and motor behaviors observed in individuals with autism.
- Dr. Amy Watson-Grace, MOT, OTD, OTR/L, BCP and MNRI® Core in Training
- Isabelle Renard-Fontaine, PT, MNRI® Core Specialist, MNRI® Instructor
* This lecture is approximately 3 hours
Video Runtime: 3 hours, 7 minutes, 11 seconds.