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Courses, Conferences & Tools

Applications in NeuroDevelopment: MNRI® for Tongue-Ties and Oral Motor Reflex Training. Child Motor and Development Milestones (3-6 months)

Streaming Media › 28 day online viewing access
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Applications in NeuroDevelopment: MNRI® for Tongue-Ties and Oral Motor Reflex Training. Child Motor and Development Milestones (3-6 months)

Streaming Media › 28 day online viewing access

Restrictions of oral motor movements present specific challenges, causing ineffective development of sensory-motor neural circuits for learning and advancement of oral motor skills. MNRI® Oral Motor Reflex Training aims to provide optimal sensory input to initiate effective oral motor learning, which can be effective for addressing challenges with Tongue-Tie.

The lecture includes a review of the motor milestones development specific to ages from 3 to 6 months. One  focus of the lecture is to demonstrate the links between archetype movements, their biomechanical aspects, and reflex patterns, leading to the natural development of infant’s motor abilities, skills, and milestones.


  • Yichien Su, MS-CCC, SLP and MNRI® Core Specialist
  • Isabelle Renard-Fontaine, PT, MNRI® Core Specialist, MNRI® Instructor
  • Diane Whiteside, PT, MNRI® Core Specialist, MNRI® Instructor

Video Runtime:  3 hours, 10 minutes, 25 seconds.

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